Saturday, September 10, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages for Solar Energy

Solar energy is used for electricity, central heating, hot water, cooking, for producing salt and even for desalination. The energy comes from the sun's rays and is known to be very environmentally friendly. When the sun rays enter the earth's atmosphere it is quite dilute. Although the advantages of solar energy are clear, there are also disadvantages.
Advantages and Disadvantages for Solar Energy
The biggest advantage of solar energy:
1) It is a clean form of energy. To produce electricity or heat you only need the sun rays. There is no need to use fossil fuel in combination with sun rays to produce electricity or heat. You just need a solar energy collector or solar power panels in order to convert the energy into electricity.

2) It is cheaper than to use traditional electricity for heating. If you are using traditional electricity for heating you can save a lot of money. In return you will get lower electric bills and it also means that you don't have to maintain heaters.

3) If you live in a remote area where there are no power-lines solar energy can be the solution. There are remote areas where power companies have no means to access your home. This great alternative can provide you with anything from heating water, electricity, and even cooking.

4) A great use is for desalination in areas where fresh, drinkable water is scarce. The brine is evaporated and leaves the salt crystals in the bottom of the basin. The water in turn condenses back in another basin where it is now drinkable.
Advantages and Disadvantages for Solar Energy

The disadvantages also need to be discussed to paint a better overall picture.

1) The main disadvantage of solar energy is that it's dilute. This means you have to have a lot of solar collectors installed around your house. The energy itself is free, but the solar collectors are relatively expensive and some require regular maintenance in order to work properly and efficiently. If you decide to go solar you need to calculate the return on investment in order to know if the investment will be worth it.

2) You need the sun rays to make use of it. If you are situated in a part of this beautiful planet where there is not much sun light then this could be a problem. In other areas, the sun rays are almost always covered in clouds making solar energy collectors less efficient. You should first know if the sunshine in your area is abundant for the most part of the year. Of course if you live in desert areas like in Arizona or Mexico the sun produces a lot of sunshine for the most part of the.

3) The sun only shines during the day. Therefore if you need electricity or hot water during the night, like many of us do, it can be a problem. You will need a backup system like the 'old' utility grid or you will need to store the electricity for later use. There are battery systems that can store solar energy for later use. The hot water collected during daytime is often stored in a tank for later use. The modern systems are becoming more sophisticated in storing electricity or hot water. If you are still using your grid, the produced electricity can be pumped back into the grid.

Solar energy is very clean and is a good alternative for traditional electricity.  If you are considering using solar energy you must read this first to make a balanced decision.

Bryan Wong  

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Home Solar Heating Systems

Home solar heating systems
The modern home needs and uses lots of energy and the costs are high. All this energy is needed to keep your house warm and use all the electric equipment or just to shower with warm water. The energy demand is increasing every day world wide and energy prices are rising. For energy plants it is hard to keep up with the increasing demand and this will have its effects for the consumer. It has already happened in states like California where energy demands could not be met and total chaos was the result.
Home solar heating systems are the solution
The solution for this problem can be found in alternatives for traditional energy sources. One of the alternatives is solar energy. The advantage with this source of energy is that it can be used by a single household through individual systems. The generated energy can be used to complement the traditional hot water supply, if you live in area where sunlight is in abundance it can be substitute the whole traditional electric supply.  
Solar heating system uses the energy of sunlight to provide heat on a certain structure. It can be used to heat water or to supply heat for a heating circuit that makes inside the house warm.

A solar heating system generally consists of the following components:
1) A fluid system- it transports the converted energy from the panel to its point of usage.

2) A solar heating panel- this panel collects the sunlight that will be converted into thermal energy.

3)  Heat reservoir- this stores some of the heat produced for subsequent use.

Bryan Wong  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Off Grid Housing

Talking about alternative energy and off grid housing doesn't mean that we have to give up most of our modern amenities to live in such a fashion. A lot of people think that off grid housing is an endeavour solely for those whose modest ways coincide with fewer technologies, TVs, ACs, etc.

Off grid housing is a possibility open to anyone. Granted, you may have a larger investment if you are powering three chest freezers and all high-energy appliances, but this would simply mean you need a larger system.

The increased demand for renewable energy technology has led to the development of more efficient and easy to use components to make living off the grid a reasonable option for anyone willing to be mindful of their energy consumption.  

Using renewable energy sources which is to produce electricity is a fairly simple process. You need a power source-sun, wind or water-from which you will harness a low voltage direct current that is then converted, using an inverter, into usable house current (AC). Excess current generated by your system is stored in battery banks where it can be retrieved during more high demand times or times when the direct energy source is unavailable.  

Living off the grid with renewable power resources is almost completely automated as well.  Except for the maintenance of your batteries, there is almost no special attention needed, other than monitoring your energy use to make sure you do not exceed your supply with your demand.  The key to success in off grid housing is making sure you size your system to meet the demand of your energy needs.  

The feeling of energy freedom is like no other and you can be proud of your efforts to combat global warming and best of all, you may never have to worry about a power outage again.  It is important to conduct your research and determine which alternative energy sources will work best for you in your geographical area, but it is definitely worthwhile to learn how to live off the grid and feel the rush of freedom being off the grid can give.

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